Another Step on My Path for Alternative Healing


For the past few years I have not had the urge to update this site.I need to renew the site name and I decided to look around, clean up some links and remind myself of what I’ve done in the past. I found myself remembering and musing over my experiences and feeling like that person was a much more innocent and naive version of me. Yet, there was truth in my observations that still hold true.


I am continuing with my journey in exploring energy what I sense. This weekend I took a class in Reiki and I have been certified as a Level 1 Reiki Practictioner. I had a very good day and the class seemed an affirmation of my path and what I want to be. Part of the class was an attunement, where the Reiki masters attune each student to Reiki energy. When I was attuned, I received the message that my birthright, my gift, was being acknowledged and recognized. The experience confirmed that this is the right thing for me to do at this time. Indeed, it feels as if I should have pursued this teaching sooner. However, I don’t feel that I was ready or that the right teachers were ready for me until this time.


In the last day I have noticed a difference in my perspective, an understanding that I need to let go of ego in order to progress on my path. Since I have many habits that indulge my ego, my sense of wanting for only myself, this is not easy. I keep reminding myself of the saying from the class “I ask for something to happen in a way in the highest way possible for the universe and everyone involved.” It’s much easier to ask for things as “I want this…” but what I want is not always what I need or what is best for everyone involved.


I have alternated between feeling on-edge and at peace, I will need to work on tuning down what I’m picking up. I feel like I’ve taken the first steps towards some important task I need to do, I will be curious to see what I find.
