What is Hazel Fern?

An illustration of a hazel leafFirst, the name Hazel Fern is from my great grandmothers name. I was fortunate enough to know her while I was growing up. I did not know her name until I started with genealogy research and once I found it I was enchanted by it. I decided to use it as a pseudonym for writing about topics I don’t want associated with my main blog.

Initially I thought the site wouldn’t get much traffic, until I wrote a post about a certain ex-president. Apparently there are SEO sites that searched for such posts and would initiate a DDoS to take the site down. I redirected the domain to a honeypot, then moved the posts to subdomain, where they have sat for the last few years.

The software I used will be at the end of life soon. In addition, the latest versions of the software are trending towards custom development and there are fewer plugins available for functions. I decided to combine the posts with my main sablewing.org site and here they are. A bit more of my varied topics that I like to write about.