Playing Around with Visuals

I thought I would play around with this blog entry, more than usual. I was out for a walk this evening and as I came to an isolated part of the trail I had a couple of lines come into my head, sort of like I was reading a some lines from a book. I have this happen every now and again so thought I would try to capture what might be considered a ‘micro; story and try to paint a visual. Now if I could just ‘hear’ the rest of the book one of these days I could write a more complete story. 🙂


I looked around, attempting to take in my surroundings. I can hear traffic in the background but I don’t have a sense of where I am or what I’m doing. I almost feel like I just woke up, except I can see trees above me, grass strands waving by my side. This isn’t quite how I remember my bedroom looking when I got up this morning? Morning, yes, then I went to work and came home and Yes! I went for a walk and now I’m lying down? I don’t remember lying down, I just remember…

Walking, I was walking along the trail, looking at the hill sides, listening to the birds and just walking. Why am I lying here? I seem to remember I had just crossed the creek and I was looking around the curve and then, here I am, on my back. Maybe I passed out? I had an attack a couple of weeks ago in the heat, almost passed out then, maybe I

Ow, damn it, that hurt! What happened to me, why does my arm hurt? There, I can see it, it is getting dark, but not too dark, it is summer and it stays light longer and why does my arm hurt? Is that blood? My blood? Owww, it’s not just my arm, my legs are not overly happy right now either. And my stomach, what happened? Why don’t I remember what…

Oh man, that was a vivid dream, I hate that. Where’s my blankets, it’s cold in here, Ouch!! what the hell, why did that…was that a dream, I’m thinking it wasn’t. It’s dark but my bed is a bit more comfortable than this and I can still hear the traffic. Ohhhh, wow, my arms and legs are definitely not happy campers. And my stomach, ooohhhh, that hurts! What happened? I got hurt somehow, why hasn’t someone found me? This is the city damnit, surely nobody goes missing, especially on this trail. Always someone going by on a bike or jogging, why hasn’t someone seen me or owwww! heard me. Maybe I can sit up and see where…

It’s cold, where’s my covers, I need my covers, I’m cold. Wait, I remember, I’m out in the canyon and I’ve been hurt. I was tyring to sit up, guess that was a bad idea. Damned traffic, middle of the night, don’t these people have a home? Oooohhh, I have a home, I want to be home. Wait, I think I had my cell phone in my back pocket. Can I reach it, oww, that does not feel good to move that arm. Maybe the other arm, can I roll over. Ooohhhh, man, didn’t realize I had places on my body that could hurt like that. Can I get my arm back there, yes, I can, but I can’t reach the top of the pocket. Can I at least feel my cell phone, maybe push it out? A little further, oww, that hurts, oww, damnit! where is the blinking cell phone!! Fingers not moving, feel swollen, there! there! I can push, there it goes! Now come on, come on, bend the fingers, bend them, now bring the arm out slowly, owww. Man, that hurts, but I think I got it, just need to turn it on and it’s not doing anything. Come on, turn on you piece of junk, turn on!! Nothing, ooohhhh and I hurt, I hurt so bad, I feel like I’m going to… No, that can’t happen, I’m in the city, this can’t happen in the middle of a city, there are freaking cars a couple of hundred feet from me going by, I can’t…

Ooohhhh, I hurt and I’m cold and I’m thirsty and it’s feeling really cold out here now. Surely it’s not my time to, no, it can’t be, I have so much more to do and I’m cold. What can I do, I need to do something. Next time I need to come better equipped. I think there’ll be a next time. My husband, oh god, my husband, he’s probably worried, why hasn’t he found me? Why isn’t someone looking for me? I’m so, so cold…

I’m back again, still dark, still really cold. Except the warm spots where my blood flows out, my stomach feels a little warmer but where the blood has dried is cold. Stupid cars, why can’t someone see me? I can’t see them, they’re up the hill, driving in their warm cars, safe, listening to the radio, nobody knows I’m down here, hurt and cold. The stars are beautiful but I’d rather be home, asleep and warm, oh, my comforter and my quilt and the heater is on and I have my cup of hot chocolate and I’m warm, I’m safe, I’ll be okay…