The Teaching Hands of the Universe

Lately I have been reminded of a belief I hold about the lessons that occur in life and that our reaction to these lessons can help us grow or have us repeating a lesson until it takes. These aren’t just lessons taught in school, these are lessons that form our character, define our actions and eventually pronounce who we are as a person. *

I firmly believe that we each have certain goals or lessons that we want to learn in this life and that many situations that seem challenging, depressing, unpleasant or hard are really areas that we each need to focus on in order to grow. I myself have had many learning experiences, a lot of them that I didn’t enjoy at the time, but which I feel helped me grow and become a better person. I also feel that these lessons also helped me to be a better example to others and to perhaps bring a bit more light into a world that sometimes seems a bit darker than we might like.

The situation that has come up is that I know another person who I feel is stuck and needs to learn some truths about being an adult. My feeling is that the lessons are necessary for that person if they are going to find a sense of contentment with themselves. At first I didn’t think there was a lesson for me but in pondering this I am now thinking differently. I feel that I am going to need to learn how to be a set of teacher’s hands and unfortunately, the hands should not necessarily be an excessively gentle set of hands. In other words, I need to step out of my comfort zone and be a bit firmer than they way I normally act.

What is hard for me, is that I resent the possibility of acting in a negative way in order to help someone that I view as somewhat weak. And yet, isn’t that view something I need to correct? And there are other items that I find myself focusing on that perhaps I need to improve in myself before complaining about other’s actions. And aren’t there times that I should be firmer, more assertive without being aggressive and overbearing? So it seems that I too still have some things to learn as I strive to bring more light and more of the White into the world. I just hope this lesson is a bit easier than some of the ones I’ve taken in my past.

*Note: My original thought for this article was a lot shorter, but I decided to write the above with a bit more explanation. However, I do want to include my summary which gets a little closer to my underlying feelings about the situation.

I realize that the universe may need me to be the hands that administer a lesson but why do I have to be the set that comes out and slaps the s**t out of someone?