
Well, as of Friday, 12/07/2007, I find myself unemployed from a company I’ve been associated with off and on for some 20 years now. Rather strange experience, I must say. As is normal, it’s been a roller coaster of emotions the past few days and I’m sure it will continue to be, but I feel much more prepared for this than I was 5 years ago when I was let go from Peregrine Systems.

I have been very fortunate to work with a great group of people who have helped to build me up in the workplace and in building my personal coping skills. And with some luck and lots of hard work, perhaps I will be able to continue working with that specific group at another company. It is also a fairly good job tech market here in San Diego. And I also have some personal projects I am either have ideas about or I’m actively working on that have the potential to help me out.

So for today, I’m feeling pretty positive, planning to organize a list of items I want to get done at home and in my search for new income. Right now it looks like 2008 will be an exciting year in many different ways. 🙂