Cleansing and Protecting an Area


I was browsing the internet this evening and noticed an article about cleaning out negative energy from a house or other building. That reminded me of a meditation I did a few months back to clean out negative energy from my workplace and from my home. Here is what I did that someone else may find useful.


First, I had a look around to find the best place to center and push the energy out into the building. For my home it was in a bedroom. For work there were two locations because the building has an office part and a warehouse part. Once I found the location, I made myself comfortable, on the floor or in a chair, depending on where I was at. I then got out what I call my medicine bag which is where I keep some items I use to support me in things like this.  I use the term medicine bag because of the Native American terms that most people might be familiar with. However, that isn’t a complete descriptive term for that bag I carry. But it is shorter than the special bag I carry that’s handmade and which carries sage, crystals and my animal totem carving. 🙂


The primary thing I wanted was my animal totem carving to serve as a focus. It is made of soapstone and is something I carved many years ago. I am definitely not a carver but it holds positive energy and is a good focus so I like it. After finding the spot and getting situated I then pulled out the carving and unwrapped it. I placed it on the floor. I then used 5 crystals that I have tuned to me and laid them out in a pattern around myself and the carving. For the pattern, I don’t have a description of it, I put crystals where the positive energy flow was the highest. Once these items were in place, I then closed my eyes and called on animal spirits to guard the place.


For myself and for this place these guardians seemed the best fit for cleansing the area.  With the animal spirits I call on them to guard the directions East, South, West, North, Up and Down. The animals vary depending on what I feel is called for what I do. Once I have called for their help I ask them to watch over me and what I prepare to do.  I visualize the animals coming in as I ask them to guard the different areas. For this portion I have an alternate form that I sometimes use. In that case I call upon the archangels Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Michael to guard the directions North, South, East and West.  In either case the intent is to ask for help in guarding against negative energy that could distract or cause problems while I focus on raising energy. Once I feel that the protections are sufficient,I then ran through an assessment of myself in order to ground myself. I assessed the physical, spiritual, mental, heart, communication and soul. I asked for help from the archangels in supporting certain areas and then grounding myself with a connection to the Earth.  I focused on clearing the mind and then centering my being so that I am in the now and aware of my physical surroundings.


Once I was grounded and centered I then focused on picture a white, flaming energy. I pictured this energy coming up through the earth in through the walls. I start with the room I am in and picture this white, flaming energy moving up through the walls. As it moves up the energy burns out negative energy and replaces it with itself. As I get the energy pulled up through the walls of the one room I then move to another room while still holding the energy where I started. I continue pulling up the energy, holding what I’ve pulled up and adding to it. I continue in this way, holding the focus until the entire building and all of it’s exterior and interior walls have this flaming white energy flowing through, burning out negative energy. Once the entire building or area has this energy I then focus to bind it and hold it within the walls. The aim is to keep the energy flowing in the walls even after I have quit focusing on it. All of the holding of energy, flowing it up and then binding it can be a test of the focus ability.  The good news is if you let go, the energy simply flows out but it is not replaced by all negative energy.


But once you get the energy in place and bound it renews itself and continues to burn through negative energy that can accumulate in physical objects. After I finish with the binding I centered again and thanked the animal spirits for their help. I did not dismiss them, I admit to being sloppy in that area. If I do forget to dismiss the guardians they move on their own to other things at the appropriate time. In some cases I think they like the area where I have called them and choose to stick around in order to continue offering protection.  I have not run into problems with guardians being unhappy about being stuck but I may have missed things too. Something for me to consider in the future.


Now, several months later, I can do an assessment of the energy and see if any holes have developed. What I’ve noted is that the white energy stays but can develop holes or tears. This is more dependent on who shares the space and their attitudes. If there are very negative people that can be a drain on the cleansing so the energy wears down. During an assessment I can plus up the energy and repair the holes. This does not require the full focus for this maintenance activity. I’ve found that so far it’s something I can review and repair as needed. I just need to connect and touch things up, at least so far. Once that was done, as I check I am able to get a good connection.  I’ve  also noticed that there seems to be more positive energy in both my home and at work. Perhaps that’s due to my outlook changing because of what I did.  Whatever the reason it’s nice to have more positive places to be.
